Butterflies – You will receive a pair of Painted Lady butterflies with each butterfly you purchase. Please provide the name of the person the butterfly is in memory or in honor of at the time of purchase below. All memory/honor of names will be read aloud at the event right before we release the butterflies. You do not have to be present at the event to release your butterflies purchased. If you are not going to be in attendance at the event, please indicate below so we can ensure your butterflies are released for you.
T-shirts can be picked up at Wings of Hope or you can pick up your shirt at the Rehoboth office on specified days. Dates will be listed closer to event.
Raffle Tickets – you do not need to be present to win. If you don’t arrive by 10:30am, your tickets will be entered into random baskets. If you win a basket and are not present, your basket will be at the Rehoboth office for you to collect.