Conversation Cafe

September 27, 2023 @ 6:30 pm
Conversation Cafe: Support group for women


Life Force: What’s Pleasure Got To Do With It?
Life force energy: it’s something we take for granted, yet is so crucial to our vitality and healing. So, what does pleasure have to do with healing and vitality? We believe that pleasure is actually life force energy. What if you can learn firsthand that pleasure can be your default state of being and how you experience life, regardless of where you are in your life? We’d love for you to realize how within your reach this actually is and how your life force energy can be one of your greatest allies during your healing journey. Learn strategies to connect to your life force energy and be a part of an amazing sisterhood of women. Meeting on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm via Zoom. Register to receive the Zoom link: