
What We Do

Cancer Support Community Delaware (CSCDE) is part of an international non-profit organization with a primary mission of helping people affected by cancer enhance their health and well-being through participation in a professional program of emotional support, education, and hope. We also devote several of our programs to family members, including children and teens, who are dealing with a cancer diagnosis of a loved one. We are unique in that we are the only organization in Delaware dedicated exclusively to providing psychosocial support to cancer patients and their families in a home-like, non-clinical setting.

Programs and services are offered free of charge to ensure that we do not increase the financial burden of those already dealing with life-threatening issues.

Why We Do it

The goal of Cancer Support Community is to help people with cancer recover to the greatest extent possible. The program seeks to combine the will of the patient with the skill of the physician. We serve people with all types of cancer, at any stage of the disease. CSCDE is a place where people with cancer come to participate in their fight for recovery along with their physicians and health-care teams. CSCDE offers psychosocial support as an integral and indispensable aspect of total cancer care by providing a therapeutic Community with the following components: (1) a physical place in a non-clinical setting that is warm and nurturing (2) specific tools and skills for coping with the disease and the side effects of treatment and (3) camaraderie with others on the same journey toward recovery. All of these components work together to provide the “basic needs” for healing and recovery: a strengthening of the mind-body-spirit connection in which people with a common need come together to learn from each other and find support and hope. Our overarching goal is to encourage people to become Patient Active.

Patient Active Concept

“Cancer patients who participate in their fight for recovery, along with their health care team-rather than being hopeless, helpless, passive victims of the disease will improve the quality of their lives and may enhance the possibility of their recovery.”

Harold Benjamin, Ph.D. – Founder of The Wellness Community